400 g flour (you can take every type of flour from spelt to cake wheat flour or whole wheat flour – we often mix them)
320 ml water
some butter to brown
1 ½ tablespoon salt
¼ tablespoon dry yeast
1 pinch of ascorbic acid
optional: spices like cilandro, ground caraway, fennel, anise seeds etc.
Mix flour, salt, ascorbic acid and yeast in a bowl. Add water and mix together. Cover bowl with a foil and keep cool for 18 hours.
After that time a dough with small bubbles has formed.
Dredge worktop in flour. Place dough on the floured table and fold it four times like an envelope. Don´t knead.
Place it into a heat-resistant saucepan with the folded side down. Close the pan with a lid. Important! Neither pan nor lid should have plastic handles!
Preheat the oven to 250°C top/bottomheat and put the saucepan into the oven. Reduce temperature to 230°C and bake for 30 minutes. Remove lid and and brown the bread for another 20 minutes.