Nowadays, most of the wineries have made it the central point of their philosophy: how to deal with nature and its fruit. When we took over the estate in 2004, it was totally clear to us that awareness and realism, tradition and innovation are no contradiction. And that they all form a determined part of our vision and have to be clearly communicated. We have certainly not come up with that over night but learnt about it and passed it on from generation to generation.
Our vineyards are easily recognizable: opulent leaf mass with a well ventilated grape zone. During winter and spring you may additionally notice the short pruning. In dependence of the growth power of the individual vine we decide about a reasonable number of grapes. Exactly this point shows whether a winegrower acts down-to-earth and in consent with nature.
We try hard to work in harmony with the soil, we thus do not use herbicides and avoid unnecessary cosmetic working steps. During grape blossoming in May and June, we keep the undergrowth very short while afterwards one or the other weed is definitely welcome as a protection against erosion.
We use conventional plant protection but as careful as possible. We renounce of mineral fertilizers since the 70ies. Much more, we recycle all residuals deriving from leaf management, pruning, grape processing, fermentation and filtration back in our happy vineyards.
If you wish to learn more about this subject read article Bio versus Closeness to Nature.
Take along the efficient from tradition. Take advantages of technique where reasonable.
This principle guides our vinifaction process, taking ce,rtainly into account varying vintage characteristics. We thus accept only two methods of mash concentration: grape thinning on the one hand and rosé drain off on the other.
As a tradition-conscious Rust winery we are eager to produce a Ruster Ausbruch whenever Botrytis occurs; this Rust-based specialty depends on elaborous selection but by no means on cellar-technical measures. In any case, a lot of manual work is needed - to which we “treat” ourselves happily.
More about vinification in our mini series “Making of”: