Carmen On Air 2023

Carmen On Air 2023


4 Glasses

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EUR 25,00 — 0,75 l


The result of our trip to South America in 1999. Anyone who had the chance to have a look on those grapes would wish to have it! Back then immediately after the harvest in the Maipo Valley we took along the sunniest vines (the most wood-mature ones!). Grafted at home by Paul Triebaumer and planted in the magnificent upper Mitterkräftn (vulgo "Hans Onkel-kräftn") in Rust. Wonderful grapes year after year. But not the expected, great sugar producer. Probably the most aromatic red wine variety in the world - ever.

Beautiful, rich purple colour with a violet rim, appropriate viscosity, almost exuberant fruit expression with distinct violets and fresh lilac, underpinned by mint, freshly harvested blueberries - the real ones, followed by premium cocoa powder with a hint of orange zest and cherry, the famous blackberry candies from childhood. Cornflower bouquet and currant bush.
Dry, decidedly mild in acidity and tannin - by Triebaumer standards. The fruit potpourri is followed by finest cacao notes and some fresh tobacco. Highly enjoyable to drink and subtle. Yet dense and finely knit. Long juicy aftertaste. Just the fine blade. Genuinely expressive fruit.


Olive tapenade on baguette, Vorarlberger cheese tart with carrot salad, baked veal head with sauce gribiche, asparagus carbonara, pimped hot dog with Mangalitza sausage, pasta casserole with quattro smoked cheeses, hare stew with blackberry coulis, Parasol schnitzel with candied violet blossoms, tartare of whatever - most important yolks and Dijon in sufficient quantities. With all the finesse, elegance and love of fruit - two bottles - and - el Condor pasa...


Harvested at the beginning of October 2023 - top healthy material.
Open fermentation in wooden vats with frequent punching down and appropriate maceration tine, light pressing, malolactic fermentation, storage in often used 300 litre barrels for seven months.

Grape varieties 100% Carménère
Serving temperature 14-16 °C (57-60 °F) - should be fine
Bottling May 16, 2024
Alcohol 13.5% by vol.
Acidity 4.3 g/l
Residual sugar dry
Bottle sizes 0.75 l and magnums

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